Fri Nov 26 2021

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LitRPG, short for literary role playing game, is a literary genre combining the conventions of computer RPGs with science-fiction and fantasy novels. The term is a neologism introduced in 2013. The proponents of the term state that in LitRPG, games or game-like challenges form an essential part of the story, and visible RPG statistics (for example strength, intelligence, damage) are a significant part of the reading experience.[2] This distinguishes the genre from novels that tie in with a game, e.g. those set in the world of Dungeons and Dragons, books that are actual games; such as the choose-your-own-path Fighting Fantasy type of publication, or games that are literally described; like MUDs and interactive fiction. Typically, the main character in a LitRPG novel is consciously interacting with the game or game-like world and attempting to progress within it.

If the main characters are transported to a game-like world from our world, or can remember the real world, the genre can overlap with isekai.

Do what now?

You gotta love Wikipedia. There’s so much info there that you have to assume that’s the end all be all definition of litRPG.

The funny thing is, that’s just the first paragraph from the page. The whole entry is about 6 times longer than that, although I’m not sure it really sheds much more light on the subject.

So is “The False Hero” really litRPG? Well, according to Wikipedia it… sorry, I had to look up neologism real quick. The more you know right? Gotta love that Wikipedia.

Here’s the thing, the terms litRPG and gameLit get tossed around, mixed up, cross pollinated and then folks start arguing about what one means and why it’s different and before long people find themselves spending their time reading ABOUT litRPG and not reading really awesome, fun adventures that transport us to worlds and take us on journeys that give us the thrill that drove us to read in the first place.

That dear reader, would be Chaos and the False Hero is dedicated to defeating Chaos! Thus and therefore we advise thinking no more on this nonsense and instead grab one of the adventures from an author below, after you’ve read “The False Hero” of course, and then see if it really matters.

Masters of litRPG/gameLit

Each of these authors have established themselves as masters of litRPG. This list is in no particular order and is by no means an exhaustive list of litRPG authors.

But no decent list of litRPG authors would skip any of these. Each one has written at least one, if not more, well established litRPG series that has helped to shape the genera itself.

If you need a good example of what litRPG is, then grab a seat, get comfy and check out some of their stories. If you weren’t a fan before, you will be.